vendredi 4 juillet 2008

Another Friday...

... another way to waste time.

mardi 1 juillet 2008

A Month without Singing

It's been a month since Fabrice has left. Here is a report on what CRAFT has been like since the departure of the co-founder of CRAFT Bullshit Collector:
1. Red Bull drinking habits are spiraling out of control. The ratio of Red Bull drinkers on Friday afternoon is dropping. Red Bull is being consumed outside of official Red Bull hours on almost a daily basis, even by fellow cofounders of the Red Bull moment (I myself drank 2 Red Bulls yesterday).
2. The musical atmosphere in CRAFT is now limited to the occasional cough or snore. The CRAFT guitars seem to have lost the will to live and spend almost all of their time just lying on the couch not making music.
3. Morale has dropped because none of the remaining members of CRAFT has the habit of screaming out in joy whenever a bug is resolved. The resulting silence induced a foreboding sense of hopelessness and futility that is engulfing the open space.
4. CRAFT has become a bit more work and a bit less play...

On the up side,
1. With fewer distractions, productivity in CRAFT has increased.
2. Procrastination inducing YouTube link exchange has dropped 95%.
3. Reduced resistance to Corbusier meant that the rest of CRAFT can enjoy a non-Atlantide pizza every once in a while.
4. Fabrice's desk is now being used as a storage space for unwanted office supplies, a platform for Hamed and Marc-Antoine's fan, as well a mosquito trap with the help of Khaled's orange lamp.
5. Unreasonably time-consuming Manyscripts expirments have dropped 100%.

So that's it. Happy 1 month unemployment anniversary Mr. Brain!