mardi 5 juin 2007

Philosophy of the chocolate mousse

Khebab and I have a great dilema about the way to eat chocolate mousse...
In our opinion it is always more satisfying to eat big spoonfull of chocolate mousse, to feel the texture filling your mouth and the taste bursting on your tongue. But, as we are all aware of this sad reality, the portions of chocolate mousse are usually quite small and then you're finished after the third spoon.
Then, would it be better to eat small spoons of chocolate mousse to have it lasting longer, to taste it slowly and then being able to enjoy the chocolate mousse a bit longer ?
Well... we never know who might come and steal your chocolate mousse away from you, so its probably better to eat it quickly and then, if you feel unsatisfied by the small amount you had, you can have another one !!!
By the way, the problem is the same with fresh orange juice... Anything else ?

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