vendredi 23 mars 2007

What works for you: Messy or Tidy?

When changing desks, whom does it take longer to move, the messy guy or the tidy guy?

It didn't take the great minds of CRAFT a lot of time to figure it out... But the answer is a simple 3-dimensional function with the following dimensions:
1. Physical strength
2. Mental prowess
3. Tidiness, messiness

It's quite simple really. On the physical strength dimensions, the more of it you have, the more messy you can afford to be and the less tidy you need to be: For someone with high physical strength, moving can be as simple as picking up your initial desk and shaking it over you destination desk so that all its contents fall "in place", which for a messy guy is basically anywhere on the desk. On the other hand, if you're completely week, you will need to move stuff with one item at a time regardless of how little you care how they're sorted.

On the Mental prowess dimension, the smarter you are, the quicker you can make decisions about how best to sort your things to gain optimal performance out of them in the future. As a result, those gifted with high IQs, might find it worth it to spend the extra microseconds on planning how things should be. Stupid people on the other hand would have to expend an inconceivable amount of effort just to figure out if a particular book would fit in a drawer or not.

To make things easier for everyone, we added this handy chart that shows what you should be (messy or tidy) based on how smart and strong you are.

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