mardi 13 mars 2007

Lightening buddies

So you know how people think that if something very lucky happens to them during the course of a day, it means that they're having a lucky day and hence should go to the casino or buy a lottery ticket or something.

Obviously this doesn't work and the reason it doesn't work is simple: if you've already been lucky during the day, then you're not likely to get even more lucky and win the lottery. That would be too much luck for one person in one day. On the other hand, if you are extremely unlucky during the day, like say when you're struck by lightening, then buying a lottery ticket would most likely lead to a win since the resulting luck would balance out the unlucky lightening strike.

The problem is though that it's hard to buy a lottery ticket when you're struck by lightening.

Enter the lightening buddy! The lightening buddy is someone with whom you make a pact that if either of you gets struck by lightening, the other will run and buy a lottery ticket with the lightening victim's name on it, ensuring a well-deserved lottery win for the hospital-bound buddy. Both buddies share the prize and everyone is happy.

Following the same logic, you can declare yourself (preferably secretly) as someone else's lottery buddy. Your job is to monitor the weather and as soon as you find that your victim is in an area with thunderstorms, you buy a lottery ticket with that victims name so that if they win, they will probably also be struck by lightening.

Contributers to this Craft Piece of Bullshit: Florence, Fabrice, Khaled

1 commentaire:

Singin' in the Brain a dit…

I didn't mean to be mean :O